Adefisayo Adeyeye Three Poems
Meera Al Sayegh "On Sarajevo"
Sarah Jean Alexander "People should be required to die while doing the things they do for a living"
Joseph Anderson Two Poems
Jonathan Aprea "Pietà"
Aiden Arata
Chris Barton Three Poems
Matthew Beach Three Poems
Allison Becker Three Poems
Erika Bell Two Poems
Nellene Benhardus Three Poems
Shawn Berman "People with beards will try to tell you things like"
C.W. Bigelow "Fractured Reflections"
Carmen E. Brady Three Poems
Jesse Bradley "Barnstable, MA"
James Burdick Two Poems
Courtney Bush Four Poems
Stella Cabot-Wilson Two Poems
Nate Cabral
Nathan Wade Carter Four Poems
Chen Chen Two Poems
Benjamin Clancy Two Poems
Leah Clancy
- "Intermediately"
- "Seven-Hundred & Fifteen Poems For Newly-Discovered Planets"
- "Two Hands Folded, With the Thumb Demarcating the Beak of an Eagle"
Kieran Collier Two Poems
Charlie Corbett "JOY:13"
Melissa Cronin Two Poems
Ryan Cunningham Three Poems
Boona Daroom Four Poems
Oscar Bruno d'Artois "Sloth Goth"
Dalton Day Two Poems
Cassandra de Alba Two Poems
Alexia Derbas Three Poems
Matthew Dinaro Three Poems
Amanda Dissinger
Colin Dodds Three Poems
Erin Dorney Three Poems
Kate Douglas Two Poems
Colin Drohan Two Poems
Robin Wyatt Dunn "Spring Coming"
Neil Ellman Two Poems
Alexus Erin
Jameson Fitzpatrick "What Should We Call You"
Roberto Carcache Flores Three Poems
N. G. Two Poems
Rebecca Gaffron "Tom's Hill"
Seth Garben Three Poems
Zooee Ghostly "Hues"
Dave Gregg Two Poems
Howie Good Three Poems
Tom Goodwin "I Am The Gentrification"
Phillip Gordon Three Poems
Vanessa Gubbins Two Poems
Kenneth P. Gurney Two Poems
Cole Hager "Mobile Wood Fired Oven"
Lisa Hannah Three Poems
Caroline Hayes Two Poems
Kamden Hilliard Two Poems
Sophia Holtz Three Poems
Emily Hoover Three Poems
Connor Hubeny
William James Three Poems
Eric Joonho "The House"
B.T. Joy Three Poems
Jessica Kagansky Two Poems
Zoe Contros Kearl Three Poems
Scott Krave Two Poems
Katherine Krehbiel "The Brain, and Thoughts, and You"
Jessica Lange Two Poems
Dawn Leas Two Poems
Kenneth Lim Two Poems
Joe Love Three Poems
Owen Lucas Three Poems
Jenna Lynch Two Poems
Charlie Lynn Two Poems
JW Mark Three Poems
Prairie L. Markussen Four Poems
Anna Meister Three Poems
Michael Mendieta Three Poems
John Mortara "Experiments"
Adam Moursy Three Poems
Paasha Motamedi
Christopher Mulrooney Two Poems
Ben Nardolili Poems
Erin Newman Two Poems
Nicodemus Nicoludis Three Poems
Shal Nirvanus "God Bless These Triscuits"
Tim Paggi Three Poems
Antonina Palisano Three Poems
Padmini Parthasarathy "The InBetweeners"
Padmini Parthasarathy "Esse est Percipi"
Catherine Pikula Two Poems
Kenneth Pobo Three Poems
Kristen Poli Four Poems
Frederick Pollack Five Poems
Jeremy Radin Three Poems
Chad Redden Three Poems
Stephen Reilly Two Poems
Samuel Rowe Four Poems
Hennah Saber Two Poems
Andisha Sabri Two Poems
Gerard Sarnat "17s"
Benjamin Schmitt Two Poems
Eric Silver Two Poems
Michael Stahl "Scream Unconsciousness"
Keyana Stevens Two Poems
Christopher Suda Three Poems
John Surico "Flower Man"
Elizabeth Kate Switaj Three Poems
Laura Tabor Two Poems
Adam Tedesco "Immeasurable Heaven"
Jingjing Tian Two Poems
Sonya Vatomsky Three Poems
Hope Wabuke Three Poems
Eric Wallgren Two Poems
Sean Walsh Three Poems
Sam Wheatman Two Poems
Kayla Wheeler Two Poems
Flannery White Three Poems
Fred Whitehead
April Gray Wilder Two Poems
Spencer Williams Three Poems
Michael J. Wilson Five Poems
Alexandra Wuest Four Poems
Chuck Young "jadafeel"
Adam Zachary Three Poems
Judy Zhou "Song of You"
Ali Znaidi Three Poems
Justin Zyla Three Poems