New Video + Single From Elbows! / by Elbows

"Brooklyn musician and singer-songwriter Max Schieble is Elbows, one of the borough's rising soul architects. His music is a little less obvious and a little more wayward than one might expect from soul, but that's what makes it special.

From Indiecurrent

“‘Oatmeal’ is the intro song to the EP. A lot of my favorite albums have intros that are essentially sound collages, pasting together samples pulled from various sources. I thought that would be a fitting introduction to an introductory EP, with the samples on here setting up themes for the rest of project. The video was shot by filmmaker, and close-collaborator, Nnamdi Simon. The idea was to capture the daily process of making a song, starting with breakfast, catching an idea, and eventually making your way to the studio.”



Max Schieble, or Elbows, is a Brooklyn-based psych jazz/hip hop songwriter, vocalist, and producer. Get the pretzels. Now living in New York, he is currently eating between one and thirteen waffles. He's also Potluck's Art Guy.